Friday, August 12, 2005


The research is going well. I have completed a large proportion of the reading for the literature review and I have begun learning how to code the gameboy using the Gameboy Development Kit. I have developed a questionnaire for the purpose of research. I shall be hosting the questionnaire using QuestionPro Online Survey Software employs an easy to use Wizard interface to author and deploy Web Based and Email Surveys. No knowledge of HTML or programming is required. A comprehensive suite of analysis tools, ranging from Simple Frequency to TURF to Conjoint, are also provided for data analysis. In addition, QuestionPro Web Survey Software provides seamless integration with SPSS and Microsoft Office products.

QuestionPro Online Surveys also licenses its software free to Students and Researchers in the academic community. The projects have to be strictly academic in nature and should not be part of any other funded research or consulting.

I will put the link up to the questionnaire when I have piloted the survey within the next few days. Other work this week includes further work learning how to program the gameboy, mainly using sprites and more work on the background modes. Wednesday will see me research into the usability survey and further reading in the history of comic books, pulp novels and the penny dreadfuls from the 19th Century.

posted by rs at 14:38 PM

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

It Begins…

The proposal for the dissertation has been given back to me, with a clear message - it needs improvement. This is understandable for the title was contrived in an attempt to convey the idea of using devils advocate as an academic method of study (More shall be explained on this idea later). The proposal according to the comments was also too brief, again this is very much understandable in an attempt to curve my own failings to keep to word limits, however I did think that I had made the proposal precise which should have counteracted its being too brief, so clearly will have to go back to the drawing board there.

With the preliminary proposal now in I can at least look at how the study can be improved. I have gone back to the beginning to precisely note down what I hope to achieve and any academic basis from which to approach this. With regards to the prototpe I have been asked to, “Steer away from prototype + Study current State-of-Art - the Internet”. Well, I have my own opinions on this as I expect many do, I will at least attempt to show the lecturers how I hope to create my own prototype. The gameboy is the device I hope to use. Gameboy Rom Cartridge. Once I have received the necessary equipment I will be able to make a Prototype Prototype, and hopefully show this to my lectures.

posted by rs at 19:23 PM